by Tasha Fierce | Nov 30, 2019 | ish I read this week-ish
Good afternoon, beloveds! So, I hadn’t picked up a book for a few months before the beginning of this one, depressed and preoccupied with looking for a job as I’ve been. Around the Witches’ New Year I started to move out of that deep oceanic...
by Tasha Fierce | Nov 14, 2019 | capitalism, disability, musings of a black femme, racism & white supremacy
i was going to write about all the difficult lessons i’m learning this scorpio season about fluid boundaries and respecting others’ wholeness at the same time as you respect your own. but then i crashed back into depression after turning my attention to...
by Tasha Fierce | Oct 22, 2019 | musings of a black femme, talkin' greasy
this isn’t about anything, i just need to get some shit down. still don’t have a job/income. i’m in a “hiring process” rn for this remote writing job and i’ve been putting a lot of my energies towards manifesting that. but it is...
by Tasha Fierce | Sep 23, 2019 | musings of a black femme, talkin' greasy, writing on writing
TL;DR: Support my work on Patreon. This isn’t going to be anywhere near as coherent as my last little update on post-graduation life, but that’s okay. Everything in me would rather not write again until things get better, so just getting these thoughts...
by Tasha Fierce | Sep 16, 2019 | witchcraft and religion
i did this spell last full moon and was pretty sure it hadn’t worked. then, on the last day of the moon cycle, it manifested in the most beautiful way: with my community pulling together to support me financially through the last part of the month. so far, this...