Letting go of linear time as a strategy for coexisting with anxiety and maybe transforming society
Time is a major fuel for my crazy---I worry about how much I have left in my life, how much we have left as a society, and how much we have left on this earth. Most often, though, my anxiety around time is centered on how little of it I have in each day that I can...
More on being crazy and off meds (my journey away from psychiatric medicine, part 2)
I'm about to head into my third quarter at UCLA and I wanted to make time to write an update on how things are going with my mental health. This is a conversation with my past self—I'm quoting my previous essay on withdrawing from psych meds in order to note where my...
Winter Solstice Concert and Fundraiser @ Solidarity House of the South
Greetings folks, I'll be performing some of my work at the Winter Solstice Concert and Fundraiser for the Solidarity House of the South on Saturday, December 23. If you're in the Los Angeles area, come on by from 6-10 pm and support this organization! For more...
FYI: I don’t know ish.
Sometimes the magnitude of my lack of knowledge leaves me wordless. I wonder how it is to be so sure you have all the answers that you're willing to write about basically any topic with little to no knowledge -- confidently. How it is to write about, say, the...
“Change from within” is a myth: revolutionary movements and the incrementalist trap
Representation and participation in the existing political and economic system, for oppressed peoples, will not produce lasting change no matter how many of us manage to infiltrate it. In struggles for liberation of oppressed people, some of us choose to do a portion...
Why I don’t use social media (that much)
I am a child of the Internet: I first started using my dad's Apple IIe when I was about 6, and two years later I was firing up ye olde 2600 baud modem on my mom's new Packard Bell 386 to try out Prodigy for DOS. It was 1988, before the WWW was even invented, so my...