My journey away from psychiatric medication, part 1
For the last 5 weeks, I have been psych med free. I'm kind of ecstatic. I've been on some kind of psychiatric medication since I was 14 years old. I'm 37 now. For nearly 23 years of my life - the majority - I've lived under a kind of haze. At one point, I was on 13...
Holistic healthcare reform and the last days of the ACA
As a Western society, we here in the U.S. are prone to viewing health in a compartmental manner. Even most religious folks buy into the Western model of medicine, save for a few who turn to prayer when disease strikes rather than accept medical interventions....
There’s no struggle in love, but there’s love in struggle
I love Black people. It's a learned love, a fought-over love, a bittersweet love, but ultimately, a fulfilling love. Blackness has been like this beautiful thing that I don't want to cheapen by forcing myself onto it. I keenly understand that my experience is very...