
Bitch Planet
“The Raised Hand of Darkness: Considering Violence as a Method of Noncompliance,” triple feature #1 (PDF)
“In a Feminist Mirror, Darkly: Reflections on Cultural Misconceptions of Feminism,” Bitch Planet issue #2(PDF)
Bitch Magazine
“Sister Soldiers: Black Women, Police Brutality, and the True Meaning of Black Liberation,” issue #66 (PDF)
“Asking For It” Puts The Focus For Ending Rape Where It Belongs: On Rapists (PDF)
Bye, Becky: White Women on VH1’s “Bye Felicia” Channel Their Inner Black Woman in Search of Empowerment (PDF)
What’s the Republican Recruitment Strategy? Racism, Plain and Simple (PDF)
Corset Magazine
Clutch Magazine
Zora & Alice
Westwind Journal of the Arts
“there was a time they called us dragons,” The Lost Journals
“restful,” Rest